Funding and Sponsors

The village hall is an independent community facility that has to meet its operational costs and some of its capital costs through venue charges, which is the main income of the hall.

The management and maintenance costs of the recreation ground and play equioment are subsidised from the hall income. (A small annual payment comes from Allendale Parish Council which used to have responsibility for the recreation ground, and still cuts the grass.)

A huge Thank You

goes to our donors and grant providers, large and small, who have given money to the hall over the years, without whose kind generosity the hall and recreation ground would not be what it is today. The Village Hall and the Recreation Ground are expensive facilities to run and to maintain. The Trustees try to keep hire fees as low as is practicable so that the majority of the Community can make use of the facilities. It does mean, though, that major maintenance and capital expenditure projects are difficult to fund from hall income alone and we rely on outside donations and grants, such as these, to help us.

2018 Northumberland Community Chest
Allendale Lions Club
Decoration of New Hall, Kitchen & Foyer
refurbishment of Food Bar
2017Allen Valley Drama Group
Waitrose Community Matters
National Lottery Awards For All
Kenneth Hodcroft
Allendale Parish Council
Allendale Lions Club
William Leech Charity
Decoration of New Hall, Kitchen & Foyer
Decoration of New Hall, Kitchen & Foyer
Audio Visual System
Audio Visual System
Audio Visual System
Audio Visual System
Website Design
2016Tesco Bags of Help
Hexham Courant
Recreation Ground Improvements
Projector Screen
2015Allen Valley Drama Group
Helen Allison Allendale Trust
Julie Massey
Stage Curtains
Picnic Tables & Litter Bins
Contingency Fund
2014Community Foundation (Thomson Family Grassroots Fund)
National Lottery Awards For All
Allendale Lions Club
Dan B Leeming
Northumberland Community Chest
Northumberland Builders Development Fund
North Pennines AONB Partnership
Skatepark Renovation
Skatepark Renovation
Skatepark Renovation
Bowls Pavilion Renovation
Bowls Pavilion Renovation
Bowls Pavilion Renovation
Conversion of old Kitchen to new Office
2013National Lottery Awards For All
Northumberland Community Chest
Northumberland Builders Development Fund
Allendale Parish Council
Cllr Colin Horncastle’s Fund
Youth Project renovation
Skate Park Renovation
Skate Park Renovation
CCTV Equipment
Acoustic Curtains
2012 Allendale Bakery
Allendale Lions Club
Hartlepool United FC
Allen Valley Drama Group
Crockery and Cutlery
Decorating New Hall
Stage Lighting Grid
Stage Lighting Grid
2011 National Lottery Awards For All
Helen Allison Allendale Trust
Allendale Co-operative Society
Catering Kitchen Renovation
Sustaining Grant
Sustaining Grant
2010Hartlepool United FC House Lighting Transoms
2009Allendale Lions Club
Northumberland County Council
New Bar
OPEN4FUN Playground
2008Ingrid & Adrian Gifford
William Leech Trust
Allendale Young People
Recreation Ground Development
Resurfacing Paths
BMX Ramps
2007Northern Energy Network
Calor Gas ‘Village Of The Year’
Allendale Cooperative Society
Tynedale District Council
Joyce Nicholson
Sir James Knott Trust
Trees Bulbs & Perimeter Fence
Toddlers’ Playground
Sustaining Grant
Toddlers’ Playground
Recreation Ground Development
Recreation Ground Development
2003Nora Handcock
North Pennines LEADER
Tynedale District Council
Foyer & Kitchen Work
Floor, Proscenium Arch, Toilets
Sound System